Three days with the International team

Three days with the International team

A taste of heaven, a phrase we might use about a sunset, a worship event or even a delicious meal. Personally, I think reunions get closer to the mark. Sitting in a room when friends from India, Portugal and Spain walk in are moments of heaven’s joy. The embrace, the laughter and the excited conversations all make me think of that final day when we hang up our swords, kick off our hiking boots, and bow together before our king. What a glorious day that will be. 

Vinu and I recently gathered a dozen Commission key leaders from around the globe to meet, to pray and share our journeys emerging out of the difficulties of Covid. We heard news of breakthroughs, many churches started, new disciple-making initiatives, and encouraging numbers of people being saved and added to the church. We heard stories of increased persecution, brothers and sisters in the Commission family losing work, facing false accusations and a few being thrown in prison. The courage and joy of those who lead in such difficult circumstances was infectious and it truly felt like we were and are writing another chapter in the book of Acts, prayer, commissioning, breakthrough, healing, and with it persecution. The prophetic voices spoke strongly about pleasing God, our partial sight teaching us to rely on the Holy Spirit, about the darkness over the nations broken through with a display of God’s glory. So, what is my reflection on these three days together?


Like our desert fathers who wandered in the wilderness before crossing the Jordan into God’s promise land, I do feel Covid was our desert. It was tough, dry, lonely, repetitive, some fell away, most of us grumbled, leaders gave up, and it felt to most of us that we were going round and round in circles, yet another online meeting!

But Vinu and I received a prophecy to blow a trumpet, to call people into a great faith adventure, it’s time to cross over, it’s time to fight, it’s time to see towns and cities hear the glorious good news of the gospel. I am so grateful to God for all of our Commission family, it’s been an amazing ten years of doubling, but I do believe the best wine is yet to be drunk, the bigger breakthroughs to be seen and even the word Revival is being heard across the nations.

Guy Miller

Apostolic Team


Reclaiming: 1. Identity


Commission Prayer - Event Recap