The Lord of Psalm 23

The Lord of Psalm 23 by David Gibson

Reading this wonderful little book was like drip-feeding truth into my soul. 

Three Parts, One Beautiful Psalm

The book is divided into three parts which focus on the rich language that is used to describe God in Psalm 23 as Shepherd, Companion and Host. Here we learn so much about who God is, what he provides and where he leads. As Gibson writes,

‘Through the doorway of only six short verses, we enter a world of the most stunning beauty because of whom we meet once inside the psalm and because of what he does for us as we walk through life with him…He gives us everything we need because he himself is everything we need.’

The Valley of Deep Darkness

Gibson’s reflections on how God leads us through challenging times are particularly powerful, as he reflects on ‘the valley of the shadow of death’: 

‘The unexpected development in the story of Psalm 23 is that the good shepherd’s paths of righteousness sometimes include the valley of the shadow of death. If I find myself in the valley of deep darkness, it is because he has led me there…It is simply unwise to assume - as some do, unthinkingly - that we have a shepherd who leads us to peace and tranquility but has no say over how sheep come to find themselves in a threatening gorge, No, the valley of the shadow of death, the days of deep darkness, do not mean we have left the paths of righteousness; in fact, they are where the shepherd’s paths of righteousness are sometimes located. This is how he leads…absorb the assurance and comfort of knowing it is not possible for the sheep to have an encounter with either death or its advance shadow that is outside God’s decree and his loving, fatherly care. My prayer for you as you read these lines is that you come to know the valley you are in to be God’s valley and your good shepherd to be the one who has led you there. At this very moment, you might feel more lost than ever, in deepest darkness like a shroud, but your Lord Jesus is not standing there beside you lost or scratching his head wondering what to do.’

God is With Us in Every Season

Our greatest encouragement comes not merely from the fact that God will lead us through the valley, but that he is with us in it:

‘The shepherd is not just ahead dropping us off at life’s scary and deadly destinations, and then keeping a safe distance while we go it alone. The shepherd is not just ahead to lead; he is beside to escort. He has moved from walking in front to coming alongside. And having someone with you in the darkness is all that matters isn’t it. It changes everything…It is a beautiful truth that the message of the whole Bible can be summarized in four simple words: “You are with me.”’

Why You Should Read This Book

I could reel off loads more of my favourite quotes but I won’t.

Instead, let me encourage you to get hold of a copy of The Lord of Psalm 23 for yourself. 

  • Read it to get the great truths of Psalm 23 into your bloodstream at the beginning of 2025.

  • Read it to drip feed truth into your soul.

  • Read it to be encouraged. Read it to be comforted.

  • Read it to turn your eyes from the situation you are going through towards the God who is with you in it.

  • Read it to be strengthened.

  • Read it to go deeper in your walk with God. 

It will do you good. 

Contents: The Lord of Psalm 23

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